Alloggio Storico
Anno di costruzione: 1887
Qual è la storia dell'immobile?
The property sits on approximately two acres of woods and gardens on the historic loop. It has two houses and two carriage houses. One house (Sweet House) was built by a man and his wife and their three daughters. He had 30 acres. This is where we have two suites and two dining rooms for breakfast.
The other house (Ojo House) was built by wealthy lumberman from Wichita, Kansas. His wife was Spanish. He believed he could keep his property "unincorporated" by the city if he named his own street so he had his wife name it. She chose the name "Ojo" due to the beautiful views (the property rests on the highest peak in Eureka Springs). The street is still officially Ojo Street, but is only about 100 feet and only Ojo house sits on it.
Qual è l'epoca e/o lo stile architettonico in cui è stato costruito l'immobile?
L'immobile è circondato da altri edifici storici?
Yes, it's on the historic loop. The entire town is on the historic register.
Sono stati eseguiti lavori di restauro?
Ci sono elementi di particolare importanza storica nell'edificio?
Several areas:
The Victorian parlor in the Ojo house is a common area. There is an ornamental wooden floor in the dining rooms. Both homes were built shortly after the town was established.
Ci sono ospiti importanti o proprietari precedenti che meritano di essere menzionati?
We have and continue to host guests from all over the world (England, Netherlands, Ireland, India, etc).
L'immobile ha ricevuto certificazioni per il suo status storico?
The entire town is on the historic register and the entire Ojo property is represented on the city's list of historic buildings.
Descriverebbe la sua proprietà come (o lo è mai stata in passato) un: C'è qualcosa che vorrebbe sottolineare, aggiungere o chiarire?
The Ojo property is approximately 2 acres and sits on the highest peak in Eureka Springs. It's made up of two houses and two carriage houses, all historic. The Sweet House is circa 1887 and the Ojo House is circa 1890. Among all buildings, there are 9 rooms/suites, several gardens, numerous deer and other wildlife, all within a quarter of a mile from downtown.