Alloggio Storico
Costruita originariamente nel 1863 come casa padronale vittoriana, questa struttura era un tempo una canonica. Anche la famosa scrittrice britannica Agatha Christie amava visitarla, sia da bambina che da adulta, e ha persino basato uno dei suoi romanzi, "Il delitto del vicariato", sulla struttura di questa pensione.
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Anno di costruzione: 1863
Qual è la storia dell'immobile?
The house has had many interesting occupiers. Formerly Torre Vicarage, the house was visited by Agatha Christie when she was a child and as an adult she consulted with Reverend Harry Petty on ecclesiastical matters in her novels and was inspired to use the layout of the house in the first full Miss Marple novel, The Murder at the Vicarage.
Qual è l'epoca e/o lo stile architettonico in cui è stato costruito l'immobile?
The property is a large Victorian Villa
L'immobile è circondato da altri edifici storici?
The house is set in a conservation area of other Victorian residences
Sono stati eseguiti lavori di restauro?
The house was aggressively modernised in the 1970s but we have worked to return some of her glamour!
Ci sono elementi di particolare importanza storica nell'edificio?
We have original coving in most rooms with 14 foot ceilings on the ground floor and 12 feet on the first floor. There is some original Victorian coloured glass remaining.
Ci sono ospiti importanti o proprietari precedenti che meritano di essere menzionati?
The first resident was Captain Cornelius Thomas Augustus Noddall RN retired and family. Decorated during the Crimean War and involved in laying the first transatlantic cable. A later resident Rev Matthew Lamert was related to Charles Dickens by marriage. Agatha Christie lived nearby and visited the house for tea with Rev Harry Petty and family.
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