Alloggio che adotta pratiche di sostenibilitàQuestionario
TripAdvisor GreenLeaders
Utilizzate fonti di energia rinnovabile per produrre energia nell'hotel/alloggio?
Radiazione solare
Cosa rende il vostro hotel/alloggio ecologico?
Materiali da costruzione provenienti da risorse sostenibili
La struttura massimizza il flusso d'aria per ridurre la necessità di condizionamento.
La struttura massimizza la luce naturale per ridurre la necessità di illuminazione e riscaldamento.
Impegnati in iniziative eco-compatibili (ad es. riforestazione, conservazione della fauna selvatica)
Raccolta e utilizzo dell'acqua piovana
Utilizzo di prodotti per la pulizia non tossici
Il ristorante serve cibo organico
Illuminazione a LED in tutti i locali
I dipendenti sono formati per seguire le politiche ambientali
Stazione/i di ricarica per auto elettriche disponibile/i
Le acque reflue vengono riutilizzate dopo il trattamento
I rifiuti vengono separati in almeno 3 categorie
Niente tazze/bicchieri, piatti e posate usa e getta (monouso)
I rifiuti organici vengono compostati
Edificio a energia zero (consumo energetico netto pari a zero su base annua)
La maggior parte degli ingredienti utilizzati per la preparazione dei pasti è di produzione locale.
Il ristorante propone un menu alternativo vegetariano.
Almeno una volta ogni cinque anni viene eseguito un audit energetico.
C'è qualcosa che vorrebbe sottolineare, aggiungere o chiarire? Citrus Creek Plantation is now fully (100%) on solar. An Eco-village and plantation in Dominica operated as an eco-lodge . Now fully #sustainable and #resilient . A big thanks to Sustainable Earth Dominica for brainstorming, designing, supplying, installing, setting and testing this solar system . The national grid is now our generator ... "in case of need !". For those interested , the equation solved by Sustainable Earth Dominica design was : - Supply all the cottages and buildings which did not yet have their own solar system with one centralized brand new solar system . - Daily consumption estimated at 20 Kwh with peaks at 30 Kwh ; 45% during "sun light" time (7 am to 5 pm) ; 55% during night time . - Peak consumption at 7 Kw (when all cottages are occupied ; if guests use their expresso machines at the same time while fridges motors start together with some water pressure pumps !! So the final system is composed of : 20 solar panels Axitec 410 = 8,2 Kw 2 MPPT Charge controllers Victron Smart 150/70 VeCan 2 Victron Quattro inverters 48v/5000w/110A in parrallel for 10 Kw peak capacity ; The beauty of the Victron Quattro model is the 2 AC In ports allowing for simultaneous permanent connection of Grid on AC 1 and Generator on AC2 . Automatic transfer switch . This is the best possible HYBRID / Grid-Assist option. 4 Pylontech Ion-Lithium UP5000 battery bricks of 5 Kwh each = 20 Kwh of storage capacity of which 90% is available (18 Kwh) . Now, to better understand what is this system powering : - The Riverside Café main building with restaurant, full kitchen, and office (Electric Espresso machines, water pumps, blenders, electric grill, 2 full size fridges, 1 large freezer, Office material, many LED lights, fans ) - Banyan cottage, Guava cottage , YlangYlang villa ; each of them with 1 Espresso machine, 1 fridge-freezer, 1 electric oven, 1 blender, many LED lights, water pump,fans... - The Citrus Creek Plantation main laundry with 2 large washing machines , a large pressure water pump and the technical shed with battery power tools charger and use of electric tools during the day , - The Calabash building with a dwelling house and cottage . - The Rum museum old estate building, now hosting the solar lab and workshop - All internal LED road and garden lights Thanks Sustainable Earth Dominica . Great job well done . Happy with what we have now . Impressed to see how accurate the design was based on the estimate , and to see the results : - Plantation is currently full : Reach back 100% batteries state of charge before noon . Peak production in the morning above 6 Kw . Early morning battery state of charge not reaching below 35 % . And still the Grid is available if the weather is not as sunny as we would expect , or if we have more consumption than usual . One day at a time . A great milestone for Citrus Creek for its 13th year of operation . For the past 8 years, Citrus Creek solar system was producing about 50% of our electricity needs . Now 100% . And, ... by the way ! 11% R.O.I. Far better than banks and less risky ?