Hotel Storico
L'edificio del XIII secolo, recentemente restaurato, con soffitti affrescati originali.
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Anno di costruzione: 13th century
Qual è la storia dell'immobile?
The Historical residence Palazzo Malfatti is a set of apartments situated in the heart of Massa Marittima in a thirteenth-century Palazzo of great historical importance.
The owners are mentioned in the Divine Comedy in Canto V of Purgatorio (Dante Alighieri).
130 “Deh, quando tu sarai tornato al mondo,
e riposato de la lunga via”,
seguitò 'l terzo spirito al secondo,
133 “ricordati di me che son la Pia;
Siena mi fè, disfecemi Maremma;
salsi colui che 'nnanellata pria
136 risposando m'avea con la sua gemma".
Dante meets Pia de Tolomei in Purgatory to which this verse refers, and that's where the story of Palazzo Malfatti begins.
The building already existed in the thirteenth century and was given the name of Palazzo Pannocchieschi.
The Pannocchieschi family was divided into three branches: the Pannocchieschi di Pietra, those of Perolla and those of Travale, from whom the Siennese Pannocchieschi lord of Elci was descended.
The lord Pannocchieschi (had known his statement) at the beginning of the twelfth century in the territory of Volterra. After of the thirteenth century were rooted in the territories of Maremma in relation to the exploitation of mineral resources: they had a noble Palazzo in Massa Marittima, still preserved, and the surrounding country founded Rocchette Pannocchieschi settlement related to the exploitation of copper deposits and silver.
Pannocchieschi emanated from the house of several bishops of the diocese of Volterra.
One of the Pannocchieschi Family was the husband of Pia de Tolomei. According to tradition (and was mentioned in CantoV of Dante's Purgatory) he kills his wife so that he could marry Margherita Aldobrandeschi. The current Palazzo Malfatti was built for her.
Many of the documents belonging to the family are preserved today in the State Archives of Sienna, in the "Pannocchieschi of Elci family" collection.
The present appearance of the building is the result of many changes that occurred over time. In the XVI and XVII century, several additions were made by the Malfatti family, who had become the owner. Another significant restoration was carried out at the beginning of the XX century with the intention of recovering the original medieval style. At this intervention must be the set of visible light windows in the first and the second floor. The lodges on the lower floor were also extensively renovated in the XX century. It was that public meetings of the Medieval City Market hold until the World War II).
Qual è l'epoca e/o lo stile architettonico in cui è stato costruito l'immobile?
L'immobile è circondato da altri edifici storici?
Palazzo Malfatti is located into the Massa Marittima old town in one of the most beautiful square of Italy.
Sono stati eseguiti lavori di restauro?
Palazzo Malfatti was completely restored in 1997 keeping the most of the historical components as the original Mansion.
Ci sono elementi di particolare importanza storica nell'edificio?
The internal walls are the same of the middle age era. Some apartments have painted ceilings.
Ci sono ospiti importanti o proprietari precedenti che meritano di essere menzionati?
Plazzo Malfatti was built by Nello de Panocchieschi and after bought by the Malfatti Family.
Ci sono eventi significativi che hanno avuto luogo nella proprietà in passato?
Nello de Pannocchieschi married Marghrita di Sovana and had a son called Bindoccio.
L'immobile ha ricevuto certificazioni per il suo status storico?
Palazzo Malfatti is a monument with all the certification of authenticity.
Descriverebbe la sua proprietà come (o lo è mai stata in passato) un: