Alloggio Storico
Anno di costruzione: 1600
Qual è la storia dell'immobile?
Villa Dragoni, and in particular the west tower, was built around end of 1500 and early 1600. It is yet not clear who frescoed the loggia at the first floor with hunting images, but the painting technique and themes can be dated end of 1500.
Bertolini family modified the building during the XVII century in order to have frescoes from talented painters from Friuli such as Chiarottini, Canal and the school of Morelli between 1783 and 1803.
Marina Danieli bought the estate in 1995 and 3 years later started the renovation.
All the structural changes had been made with full respect of the original building and structures. The
restoration work on the frescos took 3 years, because during the Second World War the Villa was first used by the German army and then by the Americans;
the latter not only covered all the frescos with dye, but also wrote on some walls with red paint and used them to play darts.
Qual è l'epoca e/o lo stile architettonico in cui è stato costruito l'immobile?
Villa Dragoni is a Venetian Villa
L'immobile è circondato da altri edifici storici?
Sono stati eseguiti lavori di restauro?
Marina Danieli bought the estate in 1995 and 3 years later started the renovation.
All the structural changes had been made with full respect of the original building and structures.
Ci sono elementi di particolare importanza storica nell'edificio?
All the rooms at the first floor are painted by Chiarottini and Canal, two famous italian painter of the XVIII century.
L'immobile ha ricevuto certificazioni per il suo status storico?
The villa is officially recognised as Villa Veneta and historical residence
Descriverebbe la sua proprietà come (o lo è mai stata in passato) un: